Talk to the team: Introducing Anastasis Michailas

We have such a wonderful team at Johnson Law Group, who all

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Renault Vehicle Emissions Claims

Personal Data, Mis-used or Unlawfully Hacked.

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TikTok Under New Scrutiny in US Over Child Privacy Concerns

Digital privacy for children is being scrutinised, particularly for the social media giant TikTok. This is not the first time

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What Is the Privacy Agreement Between US and EU?

The new US-EU Data Privacy Pact is a step towards a system that lets personal data move more easily and

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FCA Recovers Investor Funds From an Unauthorised Deposit-Taking Scheme

In 2022, the FCA published a warning about the investment company “Future

The costs case of the decade reaches positive conclusion

The costs case of the decade reaches positive conclusion The case creates

FCA announces major mis-selling investigation

A major mis-selling investigation has been launched, raising the possibility of payouts

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