Jamie Patton

Managing Director

Jamie Patton

Jamie has 25 years-worth of experience in managing successful litigation teams in both high value and high-volume claims. An accomplished litigator in his own right, Jamie has acted for a number of high-profile clients over the years including group litigation actions.

He has enjoyed success in the landmark Court of Appeal cost case of Jones -v- Wrexham as well as prevailing in a claim against the UK Government for its failure to properly implement EU Law within UK legislation – paving the way for other firms to do the same.

As a legal manager, Jamie brings an innovative and fluid approach to his work, empowering his teams to adapt and overcome problems whilst always putting the needs of the client first.



University of Liverpool (LLB Hons)

York College of Law (Law Society Finals)


Admissions and Affiliations

Admitted to the roll September 1996

What other people say;

Jamie’s organisational skills together with his depth of understanding of legal and court procedural matters were invaluable in developing a coherent, multi-tiered and flexible strategy, which was a pleasure to behold. This transformed our family’s emotional state, knowing we had finally found someone who knew what was required to guide the case to a successful conclusion. I therefore have no hesitation in recommending Jamie to any prospective clients, knowing his wit and charm belies a master tactician and honest counsellor who will guide and support them through the painful legal process.”