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What is a Group Litigation?

The concept of a group litigation or group action has been around

Johnson Law Group Johnson Law Group

The Small Claims Process for civil claims is failing the consumer and killing access to justice.

The last few years has seen a rise in consumer litigation with

Johnson Law Group Johnson Law Group

FCSC pays out £584m in compensation – but is this £584m too much?

Published on July 7th, the Financial Services Compensation Scheme’s Annual Report states

Johnson Law Group Johnson Law Group

The FCA new Consumer Duty – too little too late?

The FCA’s new Consumer Duty is a great idea: a form of

Johnson Law Group Johnson Law Group

How to get the best deal on car finance agreements – here are the questions to ask your car dealership

Despite a major investigation into the mis-selling of car finance PCPs (personal

Johnson Law Group Johnson Law Group

FCA bans 5 directors for causing significant losses to pension customers

Last week, the FCA confirmed it has prohibited 5 directors from financial

Johnson Law Group Johnson Law Group